Our vision is to provide you with the resources and guidance you need to be the most successful Organizer your company has ever known! Today, OrgOrg’s just-for-members content is managed through a private Google Group (accessed through the Archives) and a private Google Drive Folder (accessed through the Resources Library). If you are a member, you can view both of these resources below.
Please note: You must be a member of OrgOrg to access to the Group, Drive Folder, and Slack Training sign up link. If you can’t see the content below, double-check that you are signed into the account that has been granted access to OrgOrg. If you’re not a member, you may apply to join here!
Our Resources Library is a collection of documents to help you set yourself up for success. Feel free to contribute! These drive folders are editable. Friendly reminder to update the privacy settings to your document if you’d like to restrict editing. Read more about how to use our Resources Library here!